It’s Back: This Years Edition of the Annual Hypocritical Rant Against Israel at U C Irvine

From the MSU Facebook page:

MSU-UCI Presents: Anti-Zionist Week 2014

The Muslim Student Union presents a week long series of events during Week 5 (April 28th-May 1st) that are aimed at raising awareness and creating discourse, around the issue of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, for the campus and community.

The events will highlight the history, significance, modern impacts, and much more information surrounding the injustices of the conflict through informative discussions, creative expressions, and interactive displays.

Topics include the following:

Monday: Borders and Racism
Tuesday: BDS
Wednesday: Sexual Violence
Thursday: Environmental Degradation

More details will be posted shortly. See you there! Do share and spread the word, and bring your friends.


In Syria, entire cities have been reduced to rubble, women and children have been  murdered with chemical weapons and millions displaced in refugee camps.  In Saudi Arabia,  Jews are forbidden and conversion to Christianity can carry a death sentence. In Egypt, Christians are persecuted and ancient churches have been reduced to rubble. Where is the outcry over the degradation of women and so called “honor killings” in many countries? Just look at the human rights records of most Middle Eastern countries. Many of these countries are ancestral homelands of the people involved in this obnoxious and hypocritical BDS farce.  

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